sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

"Public relations in the era of social networks"

Public relations changed in the age 2.0 with blogs and social networks. The longer explanation is simple: thousands of users can now develop their own advocacy or so more than a means of communication in the segment that really interests them.

Traditional media are no longer the main object of external public relations.

Moreover the RRPP department have automatically become a media itself could communicate live mobile-content-even first hand-with-twitter, share events and news of interest groups-with-Facebook, position their Movies at the keywords that interests them-with-You Tube and integrate everything in a site with a blog-like self-positioning strategy for all that content in Google's 1st results.

Obviously, this new type of public relations does not replace the old one. But it has evolved and has no return. The sources now have their own means to make news without having to wait for a traditional means of communication you post.

Of course, to have an impact and credibility, you have to know how to move the content on the Internet, in every kind of social network as generated relationships with new audiences.

We couldn't use these spaces as speakers from the old way of communicating. For example, we believe that new repositories and distribution of newsletters and press officers, because we would mark forever easily as unsolicited, as pure advertising.

Four challenges

The figure of the Community Manager, Community Editor, Social Media Manager or as we like to call it emerges so basically to cover four types of challenges and tasks, all communications department should master-not only the "Community Manager" -:

1. Listening: monitoring and can not be just traditional media. We need to keep track of online reputation issue, spokespersons, competition in online and social media.
2. The knowledge  produce content for each social network: not the same produce to Twitter to Facebook or YouTube. Every social network has its peculiarities digital narratives to have the required impact and their respective tools to manage it.
3.The knowledge  promote participation and interaction with users, we can not open our digital presence in social networks to make this medium in a simple speaker or news bulletins but to stimulate dialogue with the community to improve the service and connect with their needs.

Camila Andrea Soto Pérez

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

"Live Streaming" a new alternative for Publics Relations.

You need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, tailored to their characteristics and learn from experience, practice and error in an environment where there are no experts and constantly changing dynamics

For that reason, we choose "Live Streaming", like a technological support for the public relations. This support is a aplication  the famous twitter, and let the people see conference online. The conferences let  talk about a stuff of topics, for the career is important because millions of people in the world are users of twiter, and can see the live streaming, so can be us like a support for communicate important things about our job, like persuade the people that we company is the best of the mart.

We think that "Live Streaming" is the new communications support for the company, and all persons will be use in a future. 

Camila Bernales Ramírez

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Urban Legend

Urban Legend: "The Twins"

It is said that between twins is a special bond that when something happens to one of them the other can feel it. An extreme case is what will happen to the girls in this chilling urban legend ...

They were two sisters who get along very well, never fought indiscutían, but for work they had to change their residence to the city, which was the road was very dangerous at that time.

The girls had to cross alone that the mother called her from work to go urgently, I told the girls to cross alone but gently and looking at the two sides and the girls obeyed.

Nothing but the mother turned to leave was a heavy blow behind him, were his daughters who had been run over by a truck, the two unfortunately died.

Four years later the mother was still young and that was 34 years old, still living in the same house near the road and did not forget any day its twins. fortunately had returned to have children, twins coincidentally were also very similar to those that died trampled, this mother made ​​partly forget that tragic event.

But fate was about to return to the family, although expressly prohibit approaching the road, one day the two girls were playing and decided to cross the same, no one was coming in any way, there was no danger, at the last moment his mother appeared and told them not to cross very upset and screaming, to which the girls responded in unison:

"- If we did not think to cross, and we ran over once and will not happen again ..."

Camila Andrea Soto Pérez

Urban Legend: "The Blond of Kennedy"

This legend is born by 1979. It is a beautiful young woman with blond hair, wearing a long coat and white fur, hitchhiking or 'finger' to motorists passing through Kennedy at night, between the intersections of Amerigo Vespucci and Geronimo Alderete.

It is said that about the vehicles occupied by couples and asked closer to a nearby supermarket, when accessed, climbs into the back seat, when the car has traveled about a mile, you will listen to the beautiful woman, gently , say: "Please do not rush ... slow down, slow down."

When the driver looks in the rearview mirror, the beautiful girl is gone, without any possibility of having left the vehicle running.

A shiver rumor among the inhabitants of Santiago de Chile in 1979. And soon reached the pages of national newspapers: ensured that an attractive young blond woman, dressed in a long white fur coat, made ​​finger to motorists at night on Kennedy Avenue, between Amerigo Vespucci and Jeronimo de Alderete. Usually approached occupied vehicles marriages and asked to take them to a nearby supermarket. When they agreed, he climbed into the back seat. Once inside, and when the driver began to accelerate, I said with a soft voice: Please do not run. Slow down, slow down. Then he vanished without a trace. And that would have stopped the car and opened its doors. Even several of them were only two doors.

Many claimed to have seen. Others swore they had taken. Even some left record the fact in the police station and two taxi drivers Tranqueras Castañer-Miguel and Carlos Sanhueza, gave interviews in revealing the details of his supernatural encounter.The explanation also expanded as rumor: a year earlier, a woman, returning from a meal with her boyfriend, had died in a car accident at the corner of Kennedy Avenue and Jerome Alderete. The newspaper La Segunda then claimed that one of her relatives had contacted the daily to ratify the veracity of the facts. It gave more precise: it was a woman named Marta Infante, who worked in the Timber Corporation and died on August 8, 1978.

Camila Sofia Bernales Ramírez

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Professional Profile: Camila Bernales

St. Rio Frio # 4710
Santiago, Chile

August 22, 2012

I'm sending this profile to express my interest in this job.

Now I´m a public relations student, and I'm almost finishing the carreer, in these days I am writing my tesis in a little office of auditoria called "Carmo", working in a new department of comunications

But also I worked in organizations like Doggis, Caja de Compesación Lo héroes and Fundación San José, working in comunications, so I have experience in that kind of things, like estrategies, relations with clients, and mass medium.

So basically my experience is in those areas,  also I can say that I´m very responsable, and I hope that
we can meet us and talk in person.


Camila Bernales

Professional Profile: Camila Soto

St San Igidio #3319Santiago, Chile
August 22, 2012

I am writing to you in order to refer them my resume to be considered for possible future selections that fit my profile

I am a graduate in social communication  and next semester I will have the title of Public Relations. Now,  in the week I do my practice in the "House of Peace Foundation". It is a foundation that is responsible for teaching people about caring for the environment and good citizen relationships.After finish my career i want study a degree in RSE because it is the area that I like. Because I like to help society and its environment.

My main objetives is grow as a professional and as a person. And and learn every day.

I hope to have the opportunity to speak with you personally in an interview to expose my skills and my desire to be part of your workgroup.


Camila Soto